"When I make something, it is my sincerest hope that someday it becomes that special object that reminds someone of those they love. Whether it is something as small as a wooden spoon their mother always used, or a cutting board used to carve the thanksgiving turkey, or a desk that sat in their grandparents house, I hope it serves as a reminder of what really matters most - our families."

My name is Bethany, and I love woodworking. My journey here has been long and meandering, but is actually a story about family.
I have been married to my husband, Josh, for over 16 years.
A few years ago serendipity struck, and we found out I was pregnant with my son. We hadn't planned on having a family, and I certainly never imagined leaving my career.

The birth of my son changed my entire trajectory.
But once he arrived, I couldn't imagine leaving him with anyone else. While I was sad to leave my job, I knew the most important job was raising our new family.
With more time at home and less income, I began tackling home projects as a means of saving money. I landscaped our yard during nap time, cased our windows on the weekends, and built fireplaces after bed time stories.

And it was through these projects that I discovered my love of woodworking.
While I still love a good home improvement project, I especially love woodworking. There is something timeless and natural about it. It really is the finest craft.

I think I love woodworking so much because it bonds us.
When I'm working in the shop, I see my son building things out of my off cuts and remember how I did the same thing in my dad's shop when I was a little girl. I imagine how my dad probably did the same thing in my Compa's shop. When I pick up the plane my dad restored for me, or use the router my Papa gave me, or the level from my Compa (that my dad restored), I think of them. I think about the fact that I'm using tools and skills inherited from people in my family and hope that my son will someday show his child something I taught him.
I remember all the projects my mom planned and my dad built. I think about the dollhouse my parents made us and wonder if my son will someday think of the tree fort I built for him. I think about the projects I’ve made for my family and friends and hope they think of me when they see them sitting in their homes.